Was pleasently surprised after recieving
King's Brand Furniture B125H Wood Arched Design Convertible Bunk Bed, Twin, Honey Finish in a very short amount of
time and assemblying it to realize that for the price tag its a really
nice product. My kids love it and at times have had 4 kids on the top
bunk. Holds up great and is taking the abuse just fine. We have two 11 year old girls who share a room. Although the room allows space for 2 beds on the floor, they wanted bunk beds.
Here you will find King's Brand Furniture B125H Wood Arched Design Convertible Bunk Bed, Twin |
I was reluctant to do this because in the past, we have not had good luck with bunk beds in their room. The part I loved and that finally made me agree to purchase these was the fact they can be put down to 2 beds on the floor rather than bunk beds, so when my girls start to complain I can fix the issue without having to go buy new beds. I love the beds, don't get me wrong!